Venues - Divan Orange, Le
Name:Divan Orange, Le
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
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Random-O-Tron V2: Fishead, Dj Inyourface, Sarcasti
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
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History Of Events [ 380 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2025-02-09 OPUS-5G X Recess With Sybil2010-07-31 Festival Meg Montréal - Meg Showcase 3 : Organ Mood, The Pop
2010-07-30 Festival Meg Montréal - Meg Showcase 2 : Le Roi Poisson, Nav2010-07-29 Festival Meg Montréal - Meg Showcase 1 : Pom Pom War, The Ma
2010-04-29 Horse Feathers, Charlotte Cornfield2010-04-08 Pedopedro, Jesuslesfilles, Otarie @ Le Divan Orange
2010-03-31 Gala Expozine2010-03-30 The Details, Dryer
2010-03-27 Jenny Whiteley2010-03-26 Showcases Meg Reprages
2010-03-25 In & Outs, The Unsettlers, 16 Layers2010-03-24 Brasstronaut, Maken Kozapo, Open Fields
2010-03-23 Erewhon, Sharct2010-03-21 Misses Satchmo
2010-03-19 Buddy McNeil, The Sound Of Sea Animals, Les Revenants2010-03-18 Lake Of Stew, Sonny Best Band, Amy Lou Keeler
2010-03-17 Bones Malones, Jessica Kaye2010-03-16 Cinema Muet De Roman Zavada Au Piano De Film Muet
2010-03-14 Locomotiv, The Scroll2010-03-13 Sonido Nordico, Royal Air Togo
2010-03-12 The Souljazz Orchestra2010-03-11 Our Book And The Authors, Who Are You
2010-03-10 Voilà, Man An Ocean2010-03-09 Recepteurz
2010-03-07 The Irreverend James Clevelands2010-03-06 Chocolat, Pypy, Gigi French
2010-03-05 Yukon Blonde, Dirty Wedding2010-03-04 Mike O'brien And Molly Sweeney
2010-03-03 Feber E.Coyote, Les Chasseurs De Primes2010-03-02 Emperor Bulash, Whistlestop, Elgin-Skye
2010-02-28 Horses Vanish2010-02-27 Hollerado, Zeroes, Huron
2010-02-26 Organ Mood, Vicious, Delicious, Shortpants Romance2010-02-25 The Unsettlers, Steve Brockley, The Softwood Lumber Agreemen
2010-02-24 The United Steel Workers Of Montreal, Filly & The Flops2010-02-23 Gejcsl
2010-02-21 Nadja, Picastro, Mathieu & David2010-02-20 Hollerado, Museum Pieces, Dinosaur Bones
2010-02-19 Memoz Présente Polipe2010-02-18 Tanuki Project, Ludo Pin
2010-02-17 Ommacobba & The East Side Marijuana Band, The Pop Winds, Omo2010-02-16 Clara Engel, Mekele, Alex Olsen
2010-02-14 Musique Classique: Lierderwolf2010-02-13 Hollerado, The Rough Sea, Mercury Mouth
2010-02-12 Vitamins For You2010-02-11 Brie Nielson, David Simard, Dear Ashes, Deer
2010-02-10 Laura Marling, The Wheel2010-02-09 Bonjour Afrique!, Pilot At Sea
2010-02-07 Lierderwolf2010-02-06 Hollerado, Rome Romeo, Sonic Avenues
2010-02-05 Les Handclaps, Jenocide2010-02-04 Lake Of Stew, Tony Ezzy
2010-02-03 Soirée Karaoke2010-02-02 Jf Robitaille, The Abramson Singers [Cd Launch]
2010-01-29 Zeroes, The Man MacHine, Transport2010-01-27 Louis-André Bourque, Eul Gros Orchestre
2010-01-26 Waterblues2010-01-23 The In And Outs, Polymorphines, The Walnut Kids
2010-01-22 Camouflar2010-01-21 Nightwood, Modernboys Moderngirls
2010-01-20 I.No, Elephantine2010-01-19 The Heavy Hands, Sonny Best Band, Trevor James & The Perfect
2010-01-16 Afrodizz2010-01-15 For Those About To Love
2010-01-14 The Honky Tonk Heartbreakers, Ginger St James And The Grinde2010-01-12 Afrodizz
2009-12-22 The Band Tribute2009-12-20 Amanita Bloom, Vicious, Delicious, Red Mass
2009-12-19 Party De Noël Dare To Care Records2009-12-18 Jeremi Mourand, Fidel Castrol
2009-12-17 Too Many Cocks2009-12-16 Brad Barr And Berithen Berio (Folk)
2009-12-15 Barton Fink, Modeen (Electro)2009-12-14 Combos (Pop)
2009-12-13 Two Dollar Motel, La Part Maudite (Électro)2009-12-12 Silly Kissers, Blue Hawaii, Leopard Et Moi (Pop)
2009-12-11 Keith Kouna, Alex Jones (Rock)2009-12-10 Les Ringos (Rock)
2009-12-09 Elektrik Bones, Mille Monarques2009-12-08 Julie Peel, Swimming In Speakers
2009-12-05 Bernard Adamus2009-12-04 Bernard Adamus, Benoit Paradis Trio
2009-12-03 Genticorum2009-12-02 Final Flash, Le Roi Poisson
2009-12-01 The Hoof And The Heel, Cinéma L'amour, The Crown Vandals2009-11-29 After The Weather, Our Book And The Authors, Puff And The Pi
2009-11-28 Zeroes, Courtney Wing, Victory Chimes2009-11-27 Sonic Avenues, The Tranzmitors, The White Wires
2009-11-26 The Bonjay Gimmee Gimmee2009-11-25 The Charlotte Cornfield Band, The Youjsh Bud Rice, His Band
2009-11-24 After Party De La Pathère Rose2009-11-22 Sapo & Gibbssito, Dear Ashes, Dear
2009-11-21 Austin Lucas, Colin Moore, Mike Hale, Cavaliers!, Hugh Manns2009-11-20 Martin Tremblay Quintet
2009-11-19 Expo67, The Brabazons, The Walnut Kids2009-11-18 Pom Pom War, Pedo Pedro
2009-11-17 Parlour Steps, Jf Robitaille2009-11-16 Mixylodian, Ava Luna, Mountain Pat Jordache
2009-11-15 Measure By Measure: Liederwölfe Sings Shakespeare2009-11-14 Buddy Mc Neil And The Maggic Mirror, The Outfit
2009-11-13 Zephir Artillerie, Peppe Voltarelli2009-11-12 Polipe, David Martel
2009-11-11 Lac Estion, Erewhom2009-11-10 Chiendent
2009-11-09 Queen Ka2009-11-08 Nsd
2009-11-07 Méta Gruau, Pédo Pedro Et Ses Enfants, Child Bite2009-11-06 Mimi Vanderglow, Mystik Motorcycles, The Job
2009-11-05 Cabaret Des Anges : Alexandre Jobin Et Vander, Bernard Adamu2009-11-04 Série Au Coeur De La Nuit
2009-11-03 The Jimmyriggers, Ox2009-11-02 Future Of The Left
2009-11-01 Ladyfinger, Carl Spidla, James Irwin2009-10-31 Halloween : International Extravangaza
2009-10-30 Cougarettes, Oromocto Diamond, Le Royaume Des Morts2009-10-29 Oscar B
2009-10-28 Le P'ti-Ben, Benoît Paradis Trio2009-10-27 Les Batteux-Slaques, -O-
2009-10-26 Please Don't Put Charles On The Money, Antartic, The Bronzed2009-10-25 Gordie Tentrees
2009-10-24 United Steel Workers Of Montréal, The Fugitives2009-10-23 Oztara
2009-10-22 Les Vis2009-10-21 Cindy Doire, Konflit
2009-10-20 The In & Outs, The Unsettlers2009-10-19 Madame Moustache & Les Swompards De L'est
2009-10-18 Early Jazz Band2009-10-17 Lyse And The Hot Kitchen, Caloon Saloon
2009-10-16 Soirée Sperm And Bubble Gum2009-10-15 Soirée Esse
2009-10-14 Brie Nelson, James Lamb & Miss Emily Brown, Corbin Murdoch A2009-10-13 Barton Fink
2009-10-10 Crabe,, Devil Eyes, Tonitix2009-10-09 La Descente Du Coude, On A Crée Un Monstre
2009-10-08 Obscene Kidz, Jeune Chilly Chill2009-10-07 Chinatown, Alex Crow, The White Hawks
2009-10-06 The Grass Mountain Hobos, Blake And The Honky-Tonk Heartbrea2009-10-04 Pop Montréal: The Johnny Cash MacHine, Hank Williams, The Du
2009-10-03 Pop Montréal: Cadence Weapon, Silly Kissers, The Cansecos, D2009-10-02 Pop Montréal: Japandroids, No Gold, The Coathangers, The Two
2009-10-01 Pop Montréal: Gregory Pepper And His Problems, Fox Jaws, The2009-09-30 Koriass, Mc La Sauce, Chub-E Pelletier
2009-09-29 Mike Evin2009-09-27 Marco Benevento
2009-09-25 Socalled2009-09-24 Payz Play, Séba
2009-09-23 La Ligue D'improvisation Musicale De Montréal2009-09-22 Meow Mix Show
2009-09-20 Sweet Mother Logic, Bananafish2009-09-19 Grosse Distortion, Vicious, Delicious
2009-09-18 Vert De Gris, Cougarettes, Random Recipe2009-09-17 The Unsettlers, Wind Whistles, Paper Tiger
2009-09-16 Ty Segall, The Mantles2009-09-15 The Save Singers, Lightning Dust (Mem. Black Mountain)
2009-09-13 Sweet Mother Logic, Bananafish2009-09-12 Psychoriders, Half Backed
2009-09-11 Le Hot Club De Ma Rue2009-09-10 Mark Robertson
2009-09-09 Maniacx, Seba2009-09-08 Thus: Owls (Mem. Patrick Watson, Wooden Arms)
2009-09-06 Lemuria2009-09-05 The Cockroaches, Jamboree, Kurt Bel Air
2009-09-04 Starvin Hungry, The Mercy Now2009-09-03 Fme Présente: Rotorjam Break, Left Lane Cruiser
2009-09-02 Fme Présente: Rotorjam Break, Left Lane Cruiser2009-09-01 Charlotte Cornfield, Bent By Elephants, Leif Vollebekk
2009-08-30 Delirium Cabaret: Queen Ka2009-08-29 Yonder Hill
2009-08-28 Les Ringos2009-08-27 Buddy Mc Neil, Broke Down Engine
2009-08-26 Feathership, Our Book & The Authors2009-08-25 Dominic: Un C
2009-08-23 Elsiane2009-08-21 Wooden Sky, Still Life Stil
2009-08-20 Les Chiens2009-08-19 Hotel Morphée
2009-08-18 Weird Weather, Mathias Kom, Lisa Bozikovic2009-08-16 Manson Family Picnic, You And Me
2009-08-15 Lake Of Stew, Zéphyr Artillerie2009-08-14 Monsieur Mono, Sylvie Paquette, Michèle O.
2009-08-13 Mark Bérubé, The Patriotic Few, The Gruff2009-08-12 Jazz-Funk: The Jmc Project
2009-08-11 Barzin, Brad Barr, Kat Goldman2009-08-09 Kill The Lights (Cd Launch)
2009-08-08 Tom Fun Orchestra2009-08-07 Woods, Tostartsbandht, Hell Shovel (Mem Of Demon's Claws)
2009-08-06 Dj Le Bôf2009-08-04 Lemonade, The Coward And The Pellican
2009-08-02 Scott H. Biram2009-08-01 Qualité Motel, Secret Maker, Luke McKeehan, Dj Funkyfalz
2009-07-31 Museum Pieces, Silly Kissers, Meta Gruau, Girlguides2009-07-30 Random Recipe
2009-07-29 Octopus Project, Satellite Maps2009-07-28 Jodi Martin, Luluc, The Re-Mains
2009-07-26 Recepteurz2009-07-25 Lovvers, Grand Trine
2009-07-24 Chinese Stars, Sonic Avenues, Tinsel Teeth2009-07-23 Shake It Corrida, Around Joshua
2009-07-22 Coyotte Bill, Jai Guru2009-07-21 Abe Bigoda, Talbot Tagora, Lymbyc Systym
2009-07-20 Deer Tick, Dawes, Valleys2009-07-19 Night Owl, This Invention Matters
2009-07-18 Psychotropical Orchestra (Lancement De Disque)2009-07-17 The Carps, My Japan
2009-07-16 Jarrod Atkinson, Colin Perry And Band, Dara Weiss And Andrew2009-07-15 The Wind Up Radio Sessions, Bad Uncle
2009-07-14 Absynthe, Sugarshack2009-07-13 Valery Gore
2009-07-11 Obscene Kidz, Arvida Crew, Gloomy2009-07-10 Royal Air Togo, Sonido Nordico
2009-07-09 Pilgrim, Isabeau Et Les Chercheurs D'or2009-07-08 Folk: Audrey Sara, Christine Hale, Mary Page
2009-07-07 Woods, Tonstartssbandht, Hell Shovel2009-07-05 Frank Turner, Malcolm Bauld
2009-07-04 Golden Isles, Deleted Scenes, Cotton Mouth2009-07-03 Shortpants Romance, Phil Console
2009-07-02 Nutsak (Cd Launch), Jérémi Mourand2009-06-29 Zs
2009-06-28 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Magik Markers, Mouthus, Cousins Of Regg2009-06-27 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Zoobombs
2009-06-26 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Ty Segall, Charlie & The Moonhearts2009-06-21 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Olivier Girouard & Martin Messier, Nico
2009-06-18 Bobby Conn, Monica Bou Bou, The World Provider2009-06-17 John Cohen Experimental, Jason Kent, John Lennox
2009-06-16 Caledonia, Language Arts2009-06-14 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Tom Carter, Steve Gunn, Shawn McMillen
2009-06-12 Hank Pine & Lily Fawn, Ladies Of The Canyon, Brad Barr2009-06-11 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Fond Of Tigers, Mendham Trio
2009-06-10 Suoni Per Il Popolo: **fred Lonberg-Holm’s Valentine Trio: J2009-06-09 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Joe Lally [Ex-Fugazi], Glorytellers, He
2009-06-07 Suoni Per Il Popolo: Gerard Van Herk, Bloodshot Bill, Skip J2009-06-05 Hollerado, Zeroes, The Goodluck Assembly
2009-05-23 The Aversions, Shortpants Romance, Vicious, Delicious2009-05-16 Alexandre Désilets
2009-05-14 Slim Twig2009-05-13 Shapes And Sizes, Dearling Physique, Intensive Care
2009-05-09 Half Baked, Golden Collider, Bernardino Femminielli2009-05-07 Muck And The Mires, The Primordials, Kidsentiment [Ex-Les Se
2009-04-26 Darling Demaes, After The Weather, Broadcast Radio2009-04-25 Ladyhawk, Great Bloomer, Parlovr
2009-04-23 Kamikaze Baby, Intensive Care, Sweet Mother Logic2009-04-12 Scott H. Biran
2009-04-11 The D'urbervilles, Lioness2009-04-02 Akido, Archibald Singleton
2009-03-29 Passion Pit, Cale Parks2009-03-17 L'étranger, Framboos, Réjean Ducharme
2009-03-08 Kinetic Stereokids, Archipelagos2009-03-05 Music For Money, Ambyose
2009-02-27 Demon's Claws [Record Launch], Nobunny, The Smith Westerns, 2009-02-21 Red Mass, The Creeping Nobodies, Slim Twig, Grand Trine
2009-02-07 Katie Moore, Sam Shalabi And Anthony Seck2009-01-22 Passion Pit, Cale Parks, Paper Route
2009-01-03 Akido2008-12-12 Lenombre, The Mercy Now
2008-12-07 Villa Borghese, The Darling Deames2008-12-06 Les Hellcats, Schomberg Fair, Ptérodactyl, Dj Frotti Concept
2008-12-05 Filly And The Flops, Lyse And The Hot Kitchen2008-12-04 Martin Tremblay Quintet
2008-12-03 Jedi Nights2008-12-02 Daniel Isaiah Schachter, Victory Chimes
2008-11-30 Front Froid2008-11-29 The Wooden Sky, Priya Thomas
2008-11-27 Genevieve Et Matthieu, Benoit Paradis Trio, Dj Jp2008-11-26 Hello Postier, Those Damn Kookies
2008-11-25 Iks, Magnetic Hill2008-11-23 Caroline Keating, Revised Edition
2008-11-22 Les Rockeurs Ont Du Coeur: Sunny Duval Et Les Crevett's, Bud2008-11-21 Soul Jazz Orchestra
2008-11-20 Off Festi-Grunge: Jérémi Mouran, Dominique Corneillier Et So2008-11-19 Mike Evin, Darling Demeas
2008-11-18 Orchestrol Parade2008-11-16 Marc Berubé And The Patriotic Few, The Breakmen
2008-11-15 Reverend All Star, Mike O'brien2008-11-14 Psychotropical Orchestra
2008-11-13 Polipe, Orange Orange2008-11-12 Bertrand Deleplage, Hello Postier
2008-11-11 Maitre J, Jeune Chilly Chill2008-11-10 Les Duos De L'ange: Alex Jones, Dany Placard, Urbain Desbois
2008-11-09 Les Patates Impossibles, Jeremi Mourand, Dj Jp2008-11-08 Lyse And The Hot Kitchen, Ben Bazard, Dj Bloodshotbill
2008-11-07 Traveling Head Case, King Bocheck, Le Mieux De La Mort, Dj F2008-11-06 L'indice, Éléphantine
2008-11-05 Jedi Nights2008-11-02 Flotilla, Dutervil, Dave Mansell
2008-11-01 Iz2008-10-31 Sonido Nordico, Royal Air Togo
2008-10-30 Coeur De Pirate, Ramdom Recipe2008-10-29 Avec Pas D'casque, Matt Lipscombe, Willow Rutherford
2008-10-28 Aricogamik, Lac Estion2008-10-26 The Unsettlers, Wintermintts, The Greenbelt Collective
2008-10-25 4-54, Monostéréo, Les Batteux Slaques2008-10-24 Jeremi Mourand, Le Mieux De La Mort
2008-10-23 We Are Wolves2008-10-22 Ok Giraffe
2008-10-21 Charlotte Cornfield, Emma & The Noise, The Miles2008-10-20 The Wet Secrets, Organ Mood
2008-10-19 Jmc Project2008-10-18 Phil Console, Half Baked, Méta Gruau, Opopo
2008-10-17 Phil Console, Many Mental Mistakes, Lesbo Vrouven, Pédo Pédr2008-10-16 La Descente Du Coude, Le Husky
2008-10-15 Jedi Electro Night2008-10-14 Angela Desveaux, The New Year
2008-10-11 Papagroove2008-10-10 Usaisamonster, Black Feeling, Centipede Est
2008-10-09 Tricot MacHine, Les Frères Goyette2008-10-08 Marc Berubé And The Patriotic Few
2008-10-07 Hunt Chant, Mina May2008-10-05 Pop Mtl: Tv Ghost, Tyvek, Vivian Girls
2008-10-04 Pop Mtl: Luyas, D'Urbervilles, MacAco Bong, Chrome Jackson, 2008-10-03 Pop Mtl: Hot Springs, Pony Up, Pas Chic Chic, Double Dip, Ja
2008-10-02 Microwaves, These Are Powers, Dd, Mm, Yy, The Chinese Stars,2008-10-01 U.S Girls, Sic Alps, Pink Reason, Psychedelic Horseshit
2008-09-30 Campagne Amnistie Internationale2008-09-28 Ladies Of The Canyon, Leif Vollebekk
2008-09-27 Le Hot Club De Ma Rue2008-09-24 Awesome Color, Mongrels
2008-09-20 Yann Perreau2008-09-19 Sagapool
2008-09-18 Daniel Isaiah Schachter, Nina Nielsen2008-09-17 Mad'moizele Giraffe
2008-09-16 Bobelo2008-09-15 Caloon Saloon, Gadji Gadjo, Hurlevent
2008-09-14 Poorfolk, Tusks2008-09-13 Urbain Desbois
2008-09-12 Afrodizz2008-09-11 Pattern Is Movement
2008-09-10 Malcolm Bauld2008-09-09 Esker Mica
2008-09-07 Parlovr, Intensive Care2008-09-06 Mochin'birds, Mimi Var Der Glow, My Shaky Jane
2008-09-05 Lil'andy & The Karaoke Cowboy, Canteen Knockout2008-09-04 Camaromance, Mia Verko
2008-09-03 Ghost Limbs, De La Caucase2008-09-02 The Franco Proietti Morph-Tet
2008-08-31 Early Jazz Band, Brianne De Verteuil And Her Savvy 62008-08-30 Reverend All Star
2008-08-29 Psychotropical Orchestra2008-08-28 O'death
2008-08-27 Darling A, Salive2008-08-26 Mark Berube
2008-08-24 Liederwolfe2008-08-23 Katie Moore, Mike O'brien
2008-08-22 Yann Perreau2008-08-21 Yann Perreau
2008-08-20 Jana Hunter, Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez2008-08-19 Line Spectra, Mad June, Noelle Hannibal
2008-08-13 Maxime Rouleau, Philibert B2008-08-12 Belleisle
2008-08-11 Attack In Black2008-08-10 Bodies Of Water, Port O'brian
2008-08-09 Soir De Semaine2008-08-08 The Franco Proietti Morph-Tet
2008-08-07 My People Sleeping2008-08-06 Amos Joannides & Kit Soden
2008-08-05 The Got To Get Got, Phantomes, Bruce Peninsula2008-08-04 Sleepercar
2008-06-23 Trash ta St-Jean2008-06-20 The Subcollisions
2008-05-11 The Coast2008-05-09 Malcolm Bauld (Album Launch), The Details
2008-04-23 Parlovr, Flames!, Nightwood, Coeur De Pirate2008-04-08 The Dodos (French Kiss Records), Elfin Saddle, Guests
2008-04-06 The Luyas, Sandro Perri, Nat Baldwin2008-04-05 Monotonix
2008-04-02 Wolf Eyes, Ghost Limbs, Menace Ruine2008-03-29 Vicious, Delicious, Disraelis, Freelove Fenner
2008-03-25 Pterodactyl2008-03-24 Wassabi Collective
2008-03-20 Ladyhawk, Immaculate MacHine, The Winks2008-03-19 Spoon River, Elephant Stone
2008-03-12 Snailhouse, Mia Verko2008-03-09 Mark Berube, Spoon River
2008-02-24 Capillary Action: The Discord Of A Forgotten Sketch2008-02-21 The Winks, Mixylodian
2008-02-10 Barn Burner, Magnetic Hill2008-02-01 The Sunday Sinners, Anemones, Magnetic Hill
2007-11-15 Random-O-Tron V2: Fishead, Dj Inyourface, Sarcastic2007-11-14 The Kids Eat Crayons, Sharcüt
2007-11-13 Cabaret Catcall2007-07-08 Wassabi Collective
Venues - Divan Orange, Le[ Top Of Page ]