Disk Jockeys - Plastic Motive
Name:Plastic Motive
Location:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Styles Of Music:Breakbeat (3 total)
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Events With Photos
The missing Peace
Canada, Ontario, Toronto
1 Photos
Time Bomb 2004
Canada, Ontario, Toronto
1 Photos
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
4 Photos
History Of Events [ 20 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2009-01-24 Breakbeats In Buffalo: Plastic Motive2005-07-15 Teknival
2005-06-04 Back To Bourbon Street E-mail 6 years party !2005-04-02 The Risco Disco
2005-03-12 The missing Peace2004-12-31 Ultraviolet Sky
2004-07-10 Funkadelica2004-05-15 The Lord Of The Raves "The Fella 'Ship Of The Rave
2004-05-14 A Hobbit's Rave!2004-05-01 Nuclear nation
2004-03-27 HEad Of Class2004-01-24 Sunny Delight
2003-12-31 Time Bomb 20042003-11-22 Embryon
2003-07-11 Teknival2003-03-08 Brain Basher
2002-04-20 Up In Smoke2002-02-02 True Love
2001-06-15 Mix It Up2001-01-20 The Beach Party
Profiles - Plastic Motive[ Top Of Page ]