City: | Canada, Quebec, Montreal |
Time: | Sat Jul 16, 2005 @ 12:00am |
Description: | sorta benefit party for losses for alien crew, but most importantly prototype jam to see what happens. and if the numbers are good we will expand. ( ile-st-helene ) so come to the party!!! |
Info: | Vinny has got his court house in here too, the Clown always amuses the people and gets them to crack a smile. JESTER Records CD Compilation,Rewired, comming soon!
it's a freakn' mix of easter and christmas for christ's sakes hahahahahahahahhahahahaha |
Extras: | 40 @ 10$
100 @ 15$
20$ @ THE DOOR
available @ psychonaut 154 prince arthur E.
and @ dna 3830 St Laurent
if the tix arn't there just tell the desk clerk to put your name on the special list and i will let you pay ticket prices at the door!! i promise. |